CODA Veteran! David Sanders is based in Croydon and has been a member of CODA for 20 years. He first joined CODA to play Tom Bertram in Mansfield Park. His …
Keith Preddie
Keith has been a member of CODA since 2012 and is based in Stratford. How did I get involved with CODA? I have been in the entertainment business for more …
Kevin Gauntlett
A long history with CODA. I am based in Beckenhan and my first show with CODA was Iolanthe in 1975 at The Ashcroft, playing Train Bearer to the Lord Chancellor, who was played …
Charlie Allen
My name is Charlie and I have been a member of CODA for only a few years but it has been a great addition to my life. In my normal …
Caroline Stanley-Smith
2 Years In CODA (at time of writing)! Caroline joined CODA a couple of years ago and is based in Oxford. Why did I join CODA? “I had just graduated …
Sasha Cherry
Sasha joined CODA in 2002 and she is based in South Croydon Why did I join CODA? “I joined CODA because I had come back from University and my three-year …